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16mm Association of Mamod and Oscillator Locomotives - Owners, Collectors and Mamodificationers

We aim to provide a comprehensive network of like minded people who all have a passion for anything oscillator. This includes any locomotive made with an oscilating cylinder or cylinders, and any form of firing be it tablet, gas, methylated spirits or coal, on either 32mm or 45mm gauge.
In time we hope to build a group layout which will be 32mm track only to begin with, with the possibility of a 45mm loop being added at a later stage.
Remember to check the Shed Notices under the Home tab to find all the up-to-date news on the group!
Photos shown are sent in from members for the Photo of the Fortnight Competition which Mark Pengelley and Mike Wakefieldare the most recent winners! If you'd like to enter for the competiton and a chance to get your photo shown in the gallery then send a photo or two in! More details under the "Photo of the Fortnight" Tab!
My First 16mm loco was...
Small oscillating steam locomotives such as the Mamod SL range were
and still are a good way to get into the world of the 16mm garden railway.
Many people started with a Mamod or an Oscillator of some description
as a cheap entry level locomotive to the hobby and most people still
have their first little pride and joy loco. Either tucked away somewhere
as a roundtoit or taking pride of place in the engine shed alongside
Roundhouse and Accucraft locos alike. The Humble oscillator comes in
many forms, be it a geared loco such as the Regner Vincent or the latest
offering from Mamod or Roy Wood Models, either way, this is the place for them and for their owners to show off their models either in the gallery or in the not too distant future, attend shows on our (hopefully to be built in due course), portable layout.
For those of you who have a Facebook account, please feel free to join our group for more active discussion on all things oscillator!
Group Co-ordinators
Laurence and James
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