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This page is dedicated to the suppliers of spare parts, locomotives, rolling stock and consumables that you may find useful:
16mm Association Website
Anything Narrow Gauge occasionally has the odd Mamod or Oscillating Cylinder Loco
Locoworks have a few little detailings you can add to Mamod locos
RS Steam Services - Not well known about however advertises restoration work on Mamod/MSS locomotives
Roy Wood Models - At present one of the best places in terms of quaility and service for any Mamod/MSS
Houstoun Gate Locomotive Works - A new company who make Mamod sized waggons and supply parts for gas burners. One to watch as the company's products grow!
Mamod - Limited spares from Mamod directly
Chasteam (or eBay shop) - Spare, new & used models
Forest Classics - Spares & new models
Manor Models - Spares, new models & in house kits
Steam4Fun (or eBay shop) - Limited amount of enhancements
Model Enthusiasts - Spares, new & used models
Swift Sixteen - Has recently entered the fray with a tender suitable for Mamod locomotives and soon to be other items of rolling stock appearing.
Forums of interest:
Garden Rail Forum
The Unoffical Mamod & Other Steam Forum
Useful links

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