Here you will find all the up-to-date news on what is going on within the group .
Newletter No.1 & Updates
Our Bi-Monthly newsletter has been sent out to the members! For those interested, our newsletter is being sent out at the beginning of every odd month, with content from the members to read about in articles about anything Oscillator!
Photo of the Fortnight - This is a small competition for members to send in photos to us, and if successful will feature on the front page of the website for two weeks, and then displayed in the gallery afterwards. So if the photo is yours, why not send it in? The more entries the better!
Engine of the Bi-Month - A chance for members to show off their engine! The Engine of the Bi-Month is aimed so that members can write a small article on their engine with a few photos included, and wil feature of the Engine of the Bi-Month page on the website for all to see! This will be published on the website every even month, so with the Newsletter there will be something to look forward to at the start of every month!
So, if you fancy either joining up to the newsletter list, sending in a photo or submitting an article then let us know by emailing us at
Newsletter List!
We are pleased to announce that contact details for the Bi-Monthly Newsletter are now being taken. If you would like to be kept in the loop of what's new, events, Model of the Bi-Month (to be announced soon) and other features then send us an email at and we'll include you into the list.
The Newsletter is to be sent out via email and shall be word processed so that it can be hopefully be read by all, with the first Newsletter expected to be sent out at the beginning of January 2014!
Announcements for the Model of the Bi-Month and Photo of the Fortnight are to be made soon, so don't forget to keep checking every now and then!

Shed Notices - The Place for News!
Newsletter No.2
We are happy to annouce that after a slight delay our second Newsletter is out for viewing, including an article for remote controlling a kit built SLK, and also our first Engine of the Bi-Month! If you'd like to sign up for our Bi-Monthly Newsletter then drop us an email at!
Our Engine of the Bi-Month page is also up and running! This can be found under the "Home" tab for the current article, and a new tab under "Gallery" will be displayed for archive articles, so if you'd like to have a peak at what appears in our newsletters, looking through the Engine of the Bi-Month articles is the best to do to so!